Line  Contactors  CGC type (up to 4kV)

 The CGC series of Telema contactors are specifically designed for use in a railway environment. Strong and continuous vibrations, heavy duty cycles, limited space available and extended temperature range are just some of the criteria that have been taken into account in the design of this product family. The result is a very thin component, the best in class for similar electrical performances. According to Telema mission “Global experience, local content”, this new series of contactors can be produced everywhere among Telema group facilities all over the world, according to specific localisation requirements of every project.
The self-supplied magnetic arc blow-out technology is available for both AC and DC versions, as well as in bipolar and tripolar versions, in order to get the best flexibility toward the customer needs and his application layout.
Another degree of flexibility to our customers is personalization of interfaces that, where possible, follow the mounting requirements within their frameworks.
The availability of 2D and 3D drawings facilitate the installation checking as well as  the early optimization of the arrangements and connections in the design phase.

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